Join us on a stitch-a-long!
It's a great opportunity for stitching enthusiasts to come together and work on a fun cross stitch project as an online community.
A different part of the design is released every month, so you'll get the thrill of seeing the design come together as a group.
Join our colourful Little Winter Shops six-part stitch-a-long. You'll stitch a new tiny shop every month, using 19 gorgeous colours. Join at anytime and get all pre-released parts immediately.
Sign up now and get ready to starting stitching!
Join our super fun - and slightly chaotic - gnome-themed stitch-a-long. It is a seven-part design, with each part released monthly from March to September, 2024.
Join anytime! You'll receive access to all pre-released parts so you can catch up to everyone else, or stitch at your own leisure.
Our friendly Facebook group is buzzing with all the latest stitch-a-long news. Join our online community to ask questions, get help and encourage other cross stitch addicts!
Our stitch-a-longs are available as Supply Bundles, which include full skeins of thread and aida fabric.
Or choose to purchase the PDF-only version and use your own supplies!
Coming to you live from Melbourne, all Spruce Craft Co. products are designed by Elise Ross and assembled in our humble studio.
And it goes without saying (but we're saying it anyway!), all our boxes come with 100% quality fabrics, John James needles and gold-standard DMC cotton - we only use supplies that we love and stitch with ourselves.