A thoroughly Australian release!

A thoroughly Australian release!


Well, if there's one thing I've learned during the craziness of 2020, it's not that you can find inner peace when the chaos of our former life drops away, or the preciousness of life that can be so easily taken from us.

I've learned that people LOVE to stitch teeny tiny grocery items onto mini embroidery hoops. That's my key learning! 

So I'm doing my civic duty and providing more baby Australian foodstuffs. Today we've got the 'Morning Tea' selection - who doesn't love a delicious glass of Milo, alongside an equally delicious Iced Vovo (I assume it's delicious, to be honest I don't think I've ever eaten one). And follow it up with a Fantale chaser. Bliss! And don't tell me Fantales are not a morning tea food. They are and we don't need that kind of negative talk around here thank you very much.

I've also got our famed Melburnian 'Skipping Girl' kit - a past and present icon. This is an exclusive Melbourne-themed kit for all the Melburnians out there as we slowly emerge from our COVID themed lockdown over winter.